there's no real
definitions in life
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 6:15:00 PM

大嘴巴's new single called "Shining". It is so nice. Enjoy.

And i changed my blog song again to 大嘴巴's 怀秋 "You are my angel". A super touching song! Here are the lyrics.

怀秋-You are my angel

電話裡的我 是不是很拙
安慰妳的話 不知道該怎麼說
他在妳的心 畫了一道傷口
撥開烏雲朵 飛來我的天口
软弱的雙手 換我來緊握聽
妳的要求 呵護妳的感受
安撫妳的心 縫合妳的傷口
有我來傾聽 送妳我的耳朵

You are my angel
飛到我左右 在妳的宇宙每顆星都是我
You are my angel
陪伴我左右 就算海都著火陸地都沉沒

You are my angel
飛到我左右 在妳的宇宙每顆星都是我
You are my angel
陪伴我左右 就算海都著火陸地都沉

多希望 到轉回到時空
即使我 look like a fool
也許這麼做 妳就不會難過

You are my angel
飛到我左右 在妳的宇宙每顆星都是我
You are my angel
陪伴我左右 就算海都著火陸地都沉沒

Saturday, July 25, 2009 @ 12:40:00 PM

普通. 简单. 原来都不属于我.

这两个字离我好远, 好远.
复杂, 一切太复杂了.
解释, 辩解, 我不会做这种事.

哭过, 累过, 也就算了.
别人往往看到的都是负面的, 正面的留给自己吧.
只有自己了解, 到底有没有为一样东西而奋斗过.

一旦拿起了, 就不能放下.
我了解, 我不会也不可能放下.

是时候我因该捡起我碎掉的面具, 把它从新戴上.

我不会倒下的, 绝对不会.
因为我知道如果倒下了, 会便宜那些不看好我的人.

一切才刚开始, 我不会输.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 7:39:00 PM


Went to watch 孫燕姿 Stephanie Sun's " The Answer is..." concert on last saturday, 11 July. It was just awesome! Here are some pictures to share...

The stage. Audiences were still sitting in. At first thought it was quite plain, but actually it made used of light and 3D effects.
The second or third song "神奇" Started concert with the song "夢游".

Changed costume.

Another costume.
Another costume. Played on the piano and hanging up in the air. Omg.

Ending off. She encore for two times!
Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 10:29:00 AM

Changed a new blog song again. This time is a Korean song. I heard this on a show called "We got married", where Alex and Shinae sang it. So nice.
Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 5:26:00 PM

It has been a long time since I updated my blog.

Went to do my IC yesterday with Lingying. We did not wait for a long time as we expected. We just got there for a few minutes and we are been called. After this went to Bugis since it was only one station before it. And lah blah blah. Met a weird uncle while waiting for the lift at my block.

Today, do nothing. Sitting at home. I seriously don't like people who pushes everything to me. Why am I doing all these by my own? OMG. I am crazy. Seriously. Get someone to arrest me please. Haha.

Well, 靠別人不如靠自己.

Quite true, i rather take all the stress by myself rather than depending on others and see them giving me their faces. What for? Even though i am not that smart but i still got a brain. Ok?